Jumat, 15 November 2013

Holiday in Pangandaran beach

Dari abi : Sekarang syamil sudah bisa menulis sendiri. Ini ada cerita yg syamil tulis buat tugas sekolah. Dari syamil: Hi I'm on a holiday in Pangandaran beach with my big family. We stay at a hotel. We arive in the afternoon, thean I go swimming with my cousins in the swimming pool. After we swim it's already sunset. We all pray. In the next day we go to the beach. I see deers and monkeys there. The weather in the beach is very hot. So we swim. Before swimming we ride a banana boat. After that I swim. My two sisters are making a sand castle. In the way to the hotel I was sick. That night I sleep faster then everyone. In my sleep I have a nightmare. The nightmare was a blackout. It was very scary. The next day is time go home. In the way back home to my grandparents house in Bandung, I still sick until the next day. I wake up at six o'clock the day after.
I can't watch anything. In the next morning I'already healthy and I went back home to my home in Jakarta at 11 o'clock. Syamil 9 years old